Lectures & Conferences

1. 2/80, University of Texas, Austin, “Poetry of the Spanish Baroque”

2. 2/80, University of Wisconsin, Madison, “The Forms of Theatre in Calderón”

3. 3/80, Columbia University, “Calderón and the Limits of Illusion”

4. 2/81, University of Toronto, “Morality in Calderón and the Baroque,” International Symposium on Calderón and the Baroque Tradition

5. 5/81, University of San Diego, “Calderón’s Idea of a Theatre”

6. 3/82, “Cervantes and the Picaresque,” UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

7. 4/82, “Dostoevsky’s Morals,” University of Toronto Conference on Literature and Moral Philosophy

8. 11/83, “Perspectivism and the Conflict of Values in Don Quixote,” Columbia University

9. 4/83, “Philosophy and the Novel,” University of Montreal, Xth International Conference in Aesthetics

10. 11/83, “Deconstruction and Skepticism,” New York University Comparative Literature Colloquium

11. 3/84, “Skepticism and Criteria in Literature and Philosophy,” Università di Torino

12. 4/84, “Skepticism and Deconstruction,” Cambridge University

13. 4/84, “Morality and Theatre in Calderón,” Oxford University,

14. 5/84, “Skepticism and Absorption in the Baroque,” University of Edinburgh

15. 12/84, Cervantes Society of America, “Genre Definition and Multiplicity in Con Quixote” (MLA meeting)

16. 4/85, “Ortega y Gasset:Between Philosophy and Literature,” Hofstra University

17. 12/85, “Transformations of the Cid,” MLA convention

18. 12/85, “From Frankfurt to Wittgenstein,” MLA convention

19. 4/86, “Genealogies of Modernism,” UCB Comparative Literature Colloquium

20. 12/85, Cervantes Society of America (MLA meeting), “Genre Definition and Multiplicity in Cervantes”

21. 4/86, “The Genealogy of Pragmatism,” IAPL conference, University of Washington, Seattle

22. 2/87, “Narration and Modernity,” Vanderbilt University

23. 9/87, “Narration and Totality,” SUNY, Stony Brook

24. 12/87, “Jürgen Habermas:Modernism versus Postmodernism,” MLA convention

25. 12/87 “Cervantes and Lukács,” MLA Convention

26. 1/88, “Cervantes and Historical Change,” University of Pennsylvania

27. 4/88, “The Politics of Images,” IAPL conference, University of Notre Dame

28. 7/88, “Narration and Totality,” XIth International Congress in Aesthetics, Nottingham, England

29. 5/88, “What is Comparative Literature?” UCB departmental symposium presentation

30. 5/88, “History, Theory, Postmodernity,” IAPL Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence

31. 5/88, “The Foreign Languages at Berkeley,” panel presentation on “The Form and Content of Departments”

32. 10/88, University of Washington (Seattle) Colloquium on Philosophy and Literature:”Narration and Totality”

33. 10/88, “The Revolt of the Masses:Ortega’s Critique of Modernity,” Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Washington, Seattle

34. 2/89, “Narration and Totality (Part II),” Dept. of Rhetoric Colloquium, UC Berkeley

35. 2/89, “The Revolt of the Masses:Ortega’s Critique of Modernity,” University of Indiana, Bloomington

36. 2/89, “Ortega’s Critique of Modernity,” Stanford University

37. 4/89, Endowed College Lecture:”Narration and Totality,” Williams College

38. 4/89, Geddes Lecture (endowed lecture), Boston University: “Narration and Totality,”

39. 10/89, “Aesthetic Liberalism,” American Society for Aesthetics

40. 10/89, Haverford College Distinguished Lecture Series: “Ortega and the Question of Modernity”

41. 10/89, Swarthmore College, Dept. of Philosophy:”The Discourses of Modernity”

42. 10/89, Temple University, Departments of Philosophy and English: “Lukács’ Theory of the Novel and the Problem of Modernity”

43. 5/89 “The Disenchantment of the World:Max Weber’s Critique of Modernity,” IAPL Conference, Emory University

44. 7/89, “Reason and Romance,” NEH International Conference on the Ancient Novel, Dartmouth College

45. 3/90, Humanities West (with KQED Radio) “The New and the Old:The Theatre of the Golden Age”

46. 4/90, “The Politics of Skepticism,” International Symposium on La vida es sueño, Penn State University

47. 4/90, Seminar on “Rethinking Dualism,” IAPL Conference, U.C. Irvine

48. 10/90, “The Ethics of Enlightenment:Goya and Kant,” Carleton College

49. 10/90 “The Archaeology of Desire in Don Quixote,” University of Minnesota

50. 12/90 “Reason and Romance,” MLA Convention (Chicago)

51. 4/91, “Secularization and Literary Self-Assertion in Don Quixote,” University of Pennsylvania Colloquium on Cultural Authority:Literary Continuation in Renaissance Spain

52. 12/91, “La Teoría de la Modernidad,” Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Barcelona

53. 12/91, “Las Consecuencias de la Modernidad,” Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Barcelona

54. 3/92, “The Disenchantment of the World,” Departments of English and Philosophy, Trinity University

55. 3/92, “The Re-Enchantment of the World,” Departments of English and Philosophy, Trinity University

56. 12/93, “The Language of Value in Conrad,” Keynote Address, The Joseph Conrad Society

57. 3/94, “History and Modernity in Golden Age Spain,” Duke University, Department of Romance Studies

58. 3/94, “Questioning and History:The Question of Enlightenment,” Plenary Address at the conference on Rhetoric and Argumentation, sponsored by the Centre Europeén pour l’Etude de l’Argumentation (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels)

59. 12/94, “Quevedo and the Politics of Anti-Modernism,” special session on Quevedo, MLA convention, San Diego.

60. 2/95, “Communication and Transformation in Kant and Arendt,” Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

61. 2/95, “Instinct and Object:Subjectivity and Speech-Act in Garcilaso de la Vega,” UC Santa Cruz, Bay Area Early Modern Studies Group.

62. 3/95, “Aesthetics and Politics in Kant and Arendt,” Centre for Critical Theory, Program in Social and Political Thought, University of Western Ontario.

63. 3/95, “Communication and Transformation in Kant and Arendt,” Program in Social and Political Thought, York University (Canada)

64. 5/96, “Beyond Form:Aesthetics, Ideology, and Iconoclasm in Don Quixote,” UCLA, invited paper at the conference “Cervantes and his Postmodern Constituencies.”

65. 10/96, “The Authority of Taste in Gracián,” Dept. of Literature, UC San Diego.

66. 1/97, “Gracián and the Invention of Taste,” Stanford University

67. 2/98, “Humanities at Century’s End:Communication and Transformation,” UC San Diego

68. 2/98, Yale University, “The Invention of Taste in Gracián”

69. 2/98, UCSD: “Humanities at Century’s End:Communication and Transformation”

70. 2/98: University of Chicago, Department of Romance Languages:”The Invention of Taste in Gracián”

71. 4/98, ACLA Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, “Aesthetic Qualities Across Media”

72. 10/98, “Response to Arthur Danto on the Future of Art,” UC Berkeley, Townsend Center for the Humanities Forum

73. 8/98, “The Difficulty of Judgment,” XIV International Congress of Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia

74. 11/98, “Aesthetic Reflection and Narrative Form: From Spiritual Biography to Universal History,” University of Heidelberg, Graduierten Kolleg “Religion und Normativität”

75. 3/99, “Consequences of Enlightenment: Critical Response,” American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Conference, Asilomar CA.

76. 10/99, “Borges: Mimesis and Modernism,” SUNY Buffalo, Departments of Philosophy and Comparative Literature

77. 6/00, “Tragedy and Sublimity,” University of Umeå, Umeå (Sweden)

78. 6/00, “Philosophy of Culture and Theory of the Baroque,” Society for Aesthetics, National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

79. 9/00, “Sublimitas y barroco en algunas obras de Calderón,” Universidad de Navarra, “Calderón 2000,” Pamplona (Spain)

80. 10/00, “Cervantes, Platón y Aristóteles: Literatura y ‘Phronesis,’” IV Congreso Internacional de Cervantistas, Naufpaktos (Greece)

81. 10/00, “The Ends of Art,” American Society for Aesthetics, Reno, NV

82. 6/01, “Aesthetic Agency,” University of Bergen (Norway), Nordic Society for Aesthetics

83. 8/01, IV International Congress of Aesthetics, Tokyo, Japan, Plenary Session:“Heidegger, Adorno, and the Inheritance of Romanticism”

84. 10/01, Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC) conference, “Not a Laughing Matter: How Don Quixote Became a Funny Book.”

85. 2/02, “Artists and Intellectuals” ARC Panel Presentation, UC Bekeley

86. 3/02, “Cervantean Self-Fashioning: Composition for Two Hands,” University of Tulsa

87. 3/02, Cervantes’ Don Quixote, Honors seminar, University of Tulsa

88. 3/02, Faculty Seminar ”Philosophy of Culture and Theory of the Baroque,” University of Tulsa

89. 3/02, “Body and Voice in ‘Daughters of the Dust,’” University of Copenhagen, EALC/ALS plenary conference talk

90. 4/02, “Tragedy and Enlightenment,” Dept. of Comparative Literature, Univ. Of Copenhagen

91. 4/02, “Don Juan Tenorio,” seminar, Department of Romance Languages, Univ. Of Copenhagen

92. 11/02, “Hegemony in Aesthetic Theory,” Slovenian Society for Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia

93. 12/02, “Wittgenstein and the Middle Voices,” MLA Annual Convention New York, NY

94.  6/03, “Beauty Betrayed,” King’s College, Cambridge (UK)

95. 2/04, “Arendt on Action, Aristotle on Tragedy,” Stanford University

96. 6/04, “Imagen, Iconoclasma, y Modernidad en Don Quijote” Barcelona, Forum 2004

97. 8/04, “Beauty Betrayed,” Plenary Address, XVICongresso Internacional de Estetica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

98. 5/05, “Image and Iconoclasm in Don Quijote,” University of Oregon, Eugene.May, 2005.

99. 6/06, “Text and Image After Plato,” Sichuan University, Chinese Society for Aesthetics and IAA Joint Conference, Chengdu, China.

100. 09/06, “Sense and Concept in Aesthetic Theory.” Plenary address, III Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics” (Portorož).

101. 04/07, “Tragedy and Philosophy,” Annual Notre Dame Lecture, Notre Dame University.

102. 07/08, “Romantic Politics and Revolutionary Art,” International Association for Aesthetics Conference, Ankara, Turkey

103. 05/08, “Three Lectures on the Rhetoric of the Image,” Primorska University, Koper (Capodistria)

104. 03/09, “Goya, Modernity, Aesthetic Critique”

104. 9/09, “Cervantes and the Discourse of Politics” NYU

106. 9/09, “Painting Thinking,” University of Barcelona, Department of History of Art

107. 9/09, “Goya, Modernty, Aesthetic Critique,” Columbia University

108. 3/10, “Free Speech:  Cervantes and the Discourse of Politics,” Princeton University, Faber Lecture

109. 3/10, “Cervantes and the Discourse of Politics,” Miami University

110. 4/10, “Free Speech:  Cervantes and the Discourse of Politics,” UCLA

111. 4/10,”Goya, Modernty, Aesthetic Critique,” UCLA

112. 10/10, “On Cavell and Kant:  The Work of Criticism and the Work of Art,” Harvard University

113.  11/11, “The Humanities, An Unfinished Project,”  Keynote to the Hong Kong Humanities Academy

114.  11/12,  “Consequences of the Quijote,” Symposium on the Novel, UC Berkeley

115.  4/12, “¿Qué es filosofar?:  A Dog’s-Eye View,” California Cervantes Symposium, UC Davis, Keynote address

116.  7/13, “Painting Thinking,” Keynote Address, Australasian Universities Association for Language and Literature, Brisbane AU.

117.  1/14, “Consequenes of the Quijote:  The Bearable Lightness of Cervantes’ Influence.”  MLA Keynote, Cervantes Society of America

118.  1/14, “Goya, Modernity, Aesthetic Critique,” 32nd annual Keniston Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 

119.  3/14, “The Bearable Lightness of Cervantes’ Influence,” Florida State University.

120.  11/15, “Before Psychology,” Indiana University, Bloomington.

121.  3/16,”Modernity, Goya, Aesthetic Critique,” Univ. of South Carolina, Languages Literatures and Culktures annual distinguished lecture.

122. 4/16, “Enigmas of Character in CVervantes’ Persiles, Princeton University,

123.  5/16, “The Value of Modernism,” Stanford University.

124. 9/18, “On Reading as Figure and Writing as Practice,” Oriel College, Oxford University.

125. 9/18. “Style as Essence.” U.C. Berkeley. Townsend Center

126. 10/21, “The Society of the Spectacle: Thoughts and Afterthoughts.” Keynote address, University of Barcelona, “Babel Global” Conference.