

1. The Limits of Illusion: A Critical Study of Calderón (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984). New paperback edition, 2006.

2. The Bounds of Reason: Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986). Andrew Mellon Foundation Publication Award.

3. Literature and the Question of Philosophy, edited and with introductions (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987). Voted an “Outstanding Academic Book of the Year” by the Association of College and Research Libraries in Choice. Paperback edition, March, 1989. Lightning Books electronic reprint, 1999.

4. The Subject of Modernity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992; reprinted 1994, 1995).
4a. Subjectivité et Modernité, trans. Philippe de Brabanter (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1995).

5. Ideologies of History in the Spanish Golden Age (University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 1997).

6.  Consequences of Enlightenment: Aesthetics as Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
6a. Chinese translation (Beijing: Commercial Press, 2007).
Reprint: pp. 1-48, in Theodor Adorno: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory, ed. Simon Jarvis (London: Routledge, 2006).

7.  The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003; reprinted, 2006).

8.  Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics (Toronto and London:  University of Toronto Press, 2012). Awarded the Gordan Prize for Best Book, 2013, Renaissance Society of America. Voted “Outstanding Academic Book” by Choice.
8a.Cervantes, la literatura, y el discurso de la politica. Trans. Cristina Alvarez de Morales Mercado (Granada:  EUG, 2018). 8b. “Imagining the Nation: Ricote and the Moriscos,” reprinted in Don Quixote: Second Norton Critical Edition (New York: Norton, 2020), pp. 805-814.

9.  The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2014).

10. Francisco de Goya and the Art of Critique (New York: Zone Books, 2023).

Coedited Volumes

10.  Poiēsis and Modernity in Early Modern Spain and Europe, with Leah Middlebrook (forthcoming from Hispanic Issues, 2012).

11.  Art and Aesthetics After Adorno (Berkeley:  Townsend Center for the Humanities and The University of California Press, 2010).

Articles and Reviews:

12. “Reference in Lezama Lima’s Muerte de Narciso,” Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century, 5 (1977).

13. “Lope de Vega, Juan de la Cueva, Giraldi Cinthio, and Spanish Poetics,” Revista hispánica moderna, 39 (1976-77; copyright 1980).

14. “The Rhetoric of Defense in the Guzmán de Alfarache,” Neophilologus, 63(1979).

15. “Calderón’s Encyclopedic Rhetoric,” Neophilologus, 63 (1979).

16. “Sobre la fecha de Los hechos de Garcilaso de Lope de Vega,” Bulletin of the Comediantes, 34 (1982).

17. Review of Alexander Welsh, Reflections on the Hero as Quixote, Cervantes, 2 (1982).

18. “Comedia and Trauerspiel: On Benjamin and Calderón,” Comparative Drama,16 (1982).

19. “ChronicleTowards Novel: Bernal Díaz’ History of the Conquest of Mexico,” Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 15 (1982).
19a. “Crónica hacia la novela: La Historia de la Conquista de México de Bernal Díaz,” El Guacamayo y la serpiente, 24 (1984).
19b. Reprinted in Spanish American Literature, ed. David William Foster (NewYork: Garland, 1997).

20. “Leixa-pren y el Libro de buen amor,” Nueva revista de filología hispánica, 31 (1982).

21. Review of Darío Fernández-Morera, The Lyre and the Oaten Flute, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 5 (1982).

22. “Borges in the Mirror,” The San Francisco Review of Books (June, 1982).

23. “The Journalistas Communist ‘Poet,'” Review of Sergei Dovlatov, The Compromise, The Los Angeles Times Book Review (December, 1983).

24. Review of Richard Rorty, The Consequences of Pragmatism, Philosophy and Literature, 7 (1983).

25. “Calderón: The Enduring Monument,” Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos,” 7 (1983).

26. “Cervantes and Skepticism: The Vanishing of the Body,” Essays on Hispanic Literature in Honor of Edmund L. King (London: Tamesis Books, 1983).

27. “Skepticism and the Problem of Criteria in Don Quixote,” Homenaje a Stephen Gilman (Revista de estudios hispánicos, Río Piedras, 1983).

28. “The Place of Language in Philosophy, or The Uses of Rhetoric,” Philosophy and Rhetoric, 16 (1983)

29. “Cervantes and Descartes on the Dream Argument,” Cervantes, 4 (1984).

30. “Reading the Fantastic in Darío and Bioy-Casares,” Crítica hispánica, 6(1984).

31. “Emerson on Nature: Philosophy Beyond Kant,” Emerson Society Quarterly, 30 (1984).

31a. Emerson Beyond Nature: Philosophy beyond Kant,” reprinted in Ninetheeth Century Literary Criticism (Columbia, S.C.:  Layman Poupard Publishing, 2012).

32. “Remembering,” The Review of Metaphysics, 38 (1984).

33. “Skepticism and Deconstruction,” Philosophy and Literature, 8 (1984). Response by Steven Fuller, Philosophy and Literature, 9 (1985).
33a. “Skepticism and Deconstruction,” reprinted in Jacques Derrida: Critical Thought, ed. Ian Maclachlan (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 36-48.

34. “The Exit from Arcadia: Reevaluation of the Pastoral in Virgil, Garcilaso, and Góngora,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, (1984).

35. “The Logic of Moods: An Essay on Emerson and Rousseau,” Studies in Romanticism, 24 (1985).

36. “On Heidegger and the Recourse to Poetic Language,” The Thomist, 49 (1985)

37. “Morality and Theatricality in Calderón’s El médico de su honra,” Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 32 (1985).

38. “The Genealogy of Pragmatism,” Philosophy and Literature, 10 (1986).

39. “Genre Definition and Multiplicity in Don Quixote,” Cervantes, 6(1986)

40. “The Old and the New: The Spanish comedia and the Resistance to Historical Change,” Renaissance Drama, n.s. 17(1986).
40a. “The Old and the New: The Spanish comedia and the Resistance to Historical Change.” Reprinted in RenaissanceDrama as Cultural History, ed. Mary Beth Rose (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1990), pp. 401-428.

41. “From the Sublime to the Natural: Romantic Responses to Kant,” in Literature and the Question of Philosophy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987).

42. “The Theory of the Novel as Philosophy: Lukács, Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset,” Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos, 11 (1987).

43. “Perspectivism and the Conflict of Values in Don Quixote,” Romance Quarterly, 34 (1987).

44. “Between Philosophy and Literature: Ortega’s Meditations on Quixote, in José Ortega y Gasset: Proceedings of the “Espectador Universal” International Interdisciplinary Conference, ed. Nora de Marval-McNair (New York: Greenwood Press, Contributions in Philosophy, 1987).

45. “Genealogies of Modernism,” Philosophy and Literature, 11 (1987).

46. Review of Kenneth Baynes, James Bohman, and Thomas McCarthy, eds. After Philosophy: End or Transformation?, New Vico Studies, 5 (1987).

47. Review of Kevin Brownlee and Marina Scordilis Brownlee, eds. Romance: Generic Transformation from Chretien de Troyes to Cervantes, Romance Philology, 42 (1988).

48. “The Grammar of Telling,” New Literary History, 19 (1988), 403-417.
48a. “The Grammar of Telling,” reprinted in Ordinary Language Criticism, ed. Kenneth Dauber and Walter Jost (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2003).

49. “Don Juan and the Discourse of Modernism,” in Tirso’s Don Juan: The Metamorphosis of a Theme (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1988).

50. “History, Theory, (Post) Modernity,” in Ethics / Aesthetics: Postmodern Positions, ed. Robert Merrill (Washington, D.C.: Maisonneuve Press, 1988).

50a. “History, Theory, (Post) Modernity” reprinted in After the Future: Postmodern Times and Places, ed. Gary Shapiro (Albany: SUNY Press, 1990).

51. “The Bounds of Reason: Critical Response,” Cervantes, 8 (1988).

52. Review of Stanley Rosen, Hermeneutics as Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 167 (1988).

53. “The Lines Redrawn,” Afterword to Redrawing the Lines: Analytical Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Theory and History of Literature, 1989).

54. “The Revolt of the Masses: Ortega’s Critique of Modernity” in Ortega y Gasset and the Question of Modernity,ed. Patrick Dust, The Prisma Institute, Hispanic Issues, 1989,pp.337-68.
54a. La rebelión de las masas: la crítica de Ortega a la modernidad,” in Mythopoesis: Literatura, totalidad, ideología, ed. Joan Ramon Resina (Barcelona: Anthropos, 1992), pp. 213-238.

55. “Immanuel Kant,” The Johns Hopkins Encyclopedia of Literary Theory and Criticism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), 6 cols.

56. “Narration and Totality,” The Philosophical Forum, 21 (Spring, 1990).

57. Review of Cornel West, The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism,” Philosophy and Literature, 14 (Winter, 1990).

58. “Cervantes’s Exemplary Subjects,” in Cervantes’s “Exemplary Novels” and the Adventure of Writing, ed. Michael Nerlich and Nicholas Spadaccini, Hispanic Issues, 6 (Minneapolis: Prisma Institute, 1989), pp. 49-71.

59. “Aesthetic Liberalism: Kant and the Ethics of Modernity,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Special issue on Kant’s Critique of Judgment, 176 (1991), 10-23.

60. “Secularization and the Disenchantment of the World,” in Dialectic and Narrative, ed. Thomas R. Flynn and Dalia Judovitz (Albany: SUNY Press, 1993), pp. 121-37.

61. “Reason and Romance: the Persiles and the Disenchantment of the World,” MLN, March 1991.

62. “Allegories of Power,” in The Prince in the Tower: Perceptions of La vida es sueño,” ed. Frederick A. de Armas (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1993), pp. 15-26.

63. “The Archaeology of desire in Don Quixote,” in Quixotic Desire, ed. Ruth El Saffar and Diana Wilson (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993).

64. “The Ethics of Abstraction,” in Rereading the New, ed. Kevin J. H. Dettmar (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992), pp. 117-35.

65. Review of Emerson’s Modernity and the Example of Goethe, by Gustaaf Van Cromphout, Nineteenth Century Prose, 1991, 82-85.

66. “The Ethics of Enlightenment: Goya and Kant,” Philosophy and Literature, 15 (October, 1991), 189-211.

67. “Totality and the Novel,” New Literary History, 23 (1992), 607-27.

68. “Orígenes de la Novela,” Insula, 538 (October, 1991), special monographic issue, Un Libro Español para el mundo: El “Quijote”, 9-11.

69. “The Subject of Control,” Afterword to Culture and Control in Counter-Reformation Spain, Hispanic Issues, 7,ed. Anne J. Cruz and Mary Elizabeth Perry (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992), pp. 231-45.

70. “Calderón de la Barca,” “Miguel de Cervantes,” “Tirso de Molina,” and “Lope de Vega.” Entries in The International Dictionary of the Theatre (London: Gale Research International, 1994), pp. 155-59, 175-78, 961-63, 999-1003.

71. “History and Modernity in the Spanish Golden Age: Secularization and Literary Self-Assertion in Don Quixote,” in Cultural Authority in Early Modern Spain: Continuation and its Alternatives, ed. Marina S. Brownlee and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), pp. 209-33.

72. “A crítica da Subjectividade e o Re-encanto do Mundo,” in A. Cascardi, J. Hintikka, et. al., Retórica e Comunicaçao, ed. Manuel Maria Carrilho (Lisboa: ASA, 1994), pp. 95-122.
72a. “The Critique of Subjectivity and the Re-Enchantment of the World,” Revue International de Philosophie, 21 (1996), 243-63.

73. “Gracián and the Authority of Taste,” in Rhetoric and Politics: Baltasar Gracián and the New World Order, ed. Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Hispanic Issues, vol. 14, 1997), pp. 255-83.

74. Review-Essay of Timothy J. Reiss, The Meaning of Literature, in Modern Language Quarterly, 54 (1993), 393-404. “Response to Reiss,” Modern Language Quarterly, 54 (1993), 414-418.

75. “La Question de l’Aufklärung,” in Le Questionnement et l’Histoire, (Bruxelles: De Boeck, 2000).

76. “Instinct and Object: Subjectivity and Speech-Act in Garcilaso dela Vega,” Journal of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 6:2 (1994), special issue entitled “Literatura y subjetividad en la primera modernidad española (siglos XV, XVI, y XVII),” pp. 1-25.

77. “Goya: La dialéctica entre la Ilustración y el arte,” in Razón,tradición y modernidad: re-visión de lailustración hispánica, eds. Francisco La Rubia Prado and Jesús Torrecillas (Madrid: Tecnos, 1996), pp. 53-85.

78. Review of Alan Singer, The Subject as Action: Transformation and Totality in Narrative Aesthetics. Modern Fiction Studies, 40 4 (Winter, 1995), 929-931.

79. Review of John T. Graham, A Pragmatist Philosophy of Life in Ortega y Gasset. Philosophy and Literature, 19 (1995), 374-376.

80. “Ethics and Aesthetics in Joseph Conrad,” WHR (Western Humanities Review), 49 (Spring, 1995), 17-35.

81. Review of Andrea Nightingale, Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), Philosophy and Literature, 20 (October, 1996), 527-529.

82. Review of Adam Zachary Newton, Narrative Ethics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995), Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 16 (February, 1996), pp. 37-39.

83. “Communication and Transformation: Aesthetics and Politics in Kant and Arendt,” in Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Politics, ed. Craig Calhoun and John McGowan (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997), pp. 99-131.

84. “Wittgenstein and Literary Theory,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 467-69.  Revised, 2012.

85. “The Difficulty of Art,” in Thinking Through Art, ed. Alan Singer (Duke University Press in conjunction with boundary 2, vol. 25, Spring, 1998), 35-65.

86. “Romance, Ideology, and Iconoclasm in Cervantes,” in Cervantes and his Postmodern Constituents, ed. Anne Cruz and Carroll Johnson (New York: Garland/Hispanic Issues, 1999), pp. 22-42.

87. Review of Jacques Lezra, Unspeakable Subjects: The Genealogy of the Event in Early Modern Europe. Modern Philology.

88. “Aesthetic Reflection and Narrative Form: From Spiritual Biography toUniversal History” in Biography: Forms of Publishing Lives, ed. Andreas Schüle (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2001).

89. Review of Matei Calinescu, Rereading. International Studies in Philosophy,30 2 (1998), 120-121.

90. “Two Kinds of Knowing in Plato, Cervantes, and Aristotle,” Philosophy and Literature, 24 (2000), 406-423.

91. “Cervantes, Platón y Aristóteles: Literatura y ‘Phronēsis,’” Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, ed José María Casasayas.

92. Review of Geoffrey Galt Harpham, Shadows of Ethics: Criticism and the Just Society. Comparative Literature, 53 (2001).

93. “Philosophy of Culture and Theory of the Baroque,” Filozofski Vesnik, 22 (2000), 87-110.

94. “Marcel Duchamp and the Cusan Idiot’s Spoon” (in Swedish). Hjärnstorm, no. 70 (2000) (Stockholm), special issue on Marcel Duchamp.

95. “Don Quijote and the Invention of the Novel,” The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes q.v.

96. “Heidegger, Adorno, in Vztrajanje Romanticizma,” (“Heidegger, Adorno, in VztrajanjeRomanticizma”) Filozofski Vestnik, 23 (2003), 93-102.
96a “Heidegger, Adorno, and the Persistence of Romanticism,” in Dialogue and Universalism, XIII, no.11-12 (2003), pp. 13-22.

97. “José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)”, A History of Western Aesthetics, vol. 4: XXth Century, ed. Huimin Jin (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press).

98. “Beyond Castro and Maravall: Interpellation, Mimesis, and the Hegemony of Spanish Culture,” Ideologies of Hispanism, ed. Mabel Moraña (Vanderbilt University Press, Hispanic Issues, 2004), pp. 138-159.

99. “Disowning Knowledge: Cavell on Shakespeare,” The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare, ed. Richard Eldridge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

100. “Sublimitas y barroco en Calderón,” in Calderón 2000: Homenaje a Kurt Reichenberger en su 80 compleaños, ed. Ignacio Arellano (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2002), 307-391.

101. Review of Aurora Egido, Humanidades y dignidad del hombre en Baltasar Gracián (Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad, 2001), Hispanic Review, 41 (2000).

102. “Borges: Mimesis and Modernism,” in Literary Philosophers, ed. Jorge Gracia, Carolyn Korsmeyer, and Rodolphe Gasché (New York: Routledge, 2003).

103. “Unbearable Lightness of Books,” in Ignacio Rábago, Instalaciones, Copenhagen, 2004.
103a. “La Insoportable Levedad de los libros,” Biblioteca de Babel X by Jose Ignacio Diaz de Rabago (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2008)

104. “Hegemonija v Estetski Teoriji” (“Hegemony inAesthetic Theory” trans. Prevedla Valerija Vendramin), Filozsfski Vestnik, 24 (2003), 7-17.

105. “Arts of Persuasion and Judgment: Rhetoricand Aesthetics,” in A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism,ed.Walter Jost and Wendy Olmsted (Oxford: Blackewll, 2004), pp. 294-308.

106. “La Belleza Traicionada,” in Teoría del Arte (Universidad de Chile), 12 (2005), 65-78.

107.“Cervantes’ Two Hands,” in Cervantes y su mundo, III, ed. A. Robert Lauer & Kurt Reichenberger, Estudios de Literatura 92 (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2005), pp. 41-60.

108. “Image and Iconoclasm in Don Quijote,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 82 (Liverpool, UK: 2005), 599-613.
108a.“Historia e Iconoclasma Moderno en Don Quijote,” Insula, nos.700-701: La Recepción del Quijote en su IV centenario (Madrid: April-May, 2005), 17-18.

109. “The Genealogy of the Sublime in the Aesthetics of the Baroque,” Reason and Its Others: Italy, Spain, and the new World, ed. David Castillo and Massimo Lollini (Vanderbilt University Press / Hispanic Issues: 2005), 221-239

110. Review of Ricardo Padrón, The Spacious Word: Cartography, Literature, and Empire in Early Modern Spain. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. Hispanic Review, 74:2 (2006), 209-212.

111. “Comi-tragedia” in Cervantes: Don Quixote and the Genealogy of the ‘Funny Book’” In Cervantes and His Legacy in Fiction. Ed. Robert Lauer and Sonya Gupta (Hyderabad: Centre for Hispanic Studies, CIEFL Bulletin, 2006), 19-37.

112. “The Implication of Images in the Revival of Aesthetics,” The Revival of Aesthetics, ed. AlešErjavec (Ljubljana: Filosofski Vestnik, 2007), pp. 167-182
112a. “Text and Image after Plato” (in Chinese translation), Academic Monthly (Shanghai, 2008).

113. “Philosophy and the Novel,” in The Oxford Handbook to Philosophy and Literature, ed. Richard Eldridge. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 162-179.

114. “The Matter of Memory: Semblance and Blur in Richter and Adorno,” in Aesthetics and the Work of Art: Adorno, Kafka, Richter, ed. Peter de Bolla and Stefan Hoesel-Uhlig (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) pp. 169-186.

115. “Sense and Concept in Aesthetic Theory: Between Adorno and Deleuze,” in Imagination, Sensuality, Art, ed. Alesš Erjavec (Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo zaestetico, 2008), pp. 38-42.

116. “Romantic Politics and Revolutionary Art: The Manifestos of the Avant-Gardes,” in Aesthetics Bridging Cultures, ed. Jale Erzen (Ankara: Sanart, 2008), pp. 67-74.
116a. “Romantična Politika in Revolutionaria Umetnost: Manifesti Avantgard” (Slovenian translation), Filosovsky Vestnik, 29 (2008), pp.105-116.

117. “Slow Reading: A Preface to Nietzsche” in Nietzsche’s Negative Ecologies, Townsend Papers in the Humanities (Berkeley: Townsend Center and UC Press, 2009);
117a. Reprinted as Slow Reading: Nietzsche,” in the electronic journal Philosophie der psychologie at (Vienna, 2009).

118. “Tragedy and Philosophy” in The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Literature, ed. Gary Hagberg and Walter Jost (Oxford: Blackwell, forthcoming 2010), pp. 161-173.

119. “Ortega y Gasset” (in Serbian) in Figure u Pokretu / Figures in Movement: Savremena zapadna estetika i filozofija umetnosti / Contemporary western aesthetics and philosophy of art, ed. Miško Šuvakovič and Aleš Erjaveč. Belgrade, 2009.

120. “Orphic Fictions: Poesía and Poiēsis in Cervantes” Forthcoming in Poiēsis and Modernity, ed. Leah Middlebrook and Anthony J. Cascardi (Hispanic Issues, 2010)

121. “Indirect Discourse in Cervantes and Philosophy: Persecution and the Art of Writing,” Arena Romanistica, 6 (2010), 20-35.

122. “Prolegomena to Any Future Aesthetics.” In Art and Aesthetics After Adorno (Berkeley: Townsend Center for the Humanities and University of California Press, 2010).

123. “Cavell and Kant:  The Work of Criticism and the Work of Art.”  In Stanley Cavell and Literary Studies:  Consequences of Skepticism, ed. Bernie Rhie and Richard Eldridge (New York:  Continuum, 2011).

124.   “Ideology or Utopia?  From the Sociology of Knowledge to the Contradictions of Realism,” Dedalus:  Journal of Comparative Studies, Vol. 16 (2012).

125. “‘¿Qué es filosofar?’:  A Dog’s-Eye View,” Cervantes, 2014.

126.  “Consequences of the Quixote: The Bearable Lightness of Cervantes’ Influence,” in J. G. A. Ardila, ed. A History of the Spanish Novel (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2015).

127.  “Reconocer lo no intencionado” (“Acknowledging the Unintended”) in ¿Por Que España?, ed. Randolph Pope and Anna  Caballé, (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2014).

128.  “The Value of Criticism and the Project of Modernism.” in The Value of Literary Studies, ed. Ronan McDonald (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 13-26.

129.  “Flaubert and Modernism:  The Meaning of a Book About Nothing,” in Flaubert:  Critical Essays, ed. Tom Hubbard (London:  Gray House, 2015), pp. 270-284.

130. “Wittgenstein and Modernism in Literature, Between the Tractacus and the Philosophical Investigations,” in Wittgenstein and Modernism (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 2016.

131. “Goya:  Secularization and the Aesthetics of Belief,” in The Insistence of Art, ed. Paul Kottman (NY:  Fordham University Press, 2017).

132. “Literary Education in a Free Society,” in the Journal of Philosophy of Education, special issue on Philosophy, Literature, and Education, ed. Liam Gearon and Emma Williams, vol. 52, no. 4 (2018), pp. 723-741.

133. “Experience and Knowledge in the Baroque,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Baroque, ed. John Lyons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. 449-470.

134. “Body and Voice in Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust,” The International Journal of Africana Studies, vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring-Summer, 2019), pp. 114-136.

135. “Enigmas of Psychology in Cervantes’ Persiles y Sigismunda,” in Cervantes’ Persiles and the Travails of Romance, ed. Marina Brownlee (Toronto:  University of University of Toronto Press, 2019).

136. “Teaching Reading, Teaching Writing:  Questions of Theory and Practice.” British Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 67 (2019), pp. 307-319.

137. “Foreword” to Ortega y Gasset, The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays, Princeton Classics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019).

138. “Philosophy and Literature in the Spanish Golden Age,” in The Oxford Handbook to the Spanish Golden Age, ed. John Ardilla (forthcoming).

139. “Tecnología y Hermenéutica en Don Quijote,” forthcoming in Cervantes entre amigos: Ensayos en honor de Diana de Armas Wilson, ed. Andrés Lema-Hincapié and Conxita Domènech (Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2024).